Text messages from our partner, Alessia.
There are 6 boys in one group of school children who became very close. They hug each other. If the smaller ones slip on the ice, the older ones help them to their feet.
To get to school, the boys must travel a long way to get to a safe bridge. But this morning they were enticed by the snow and had a snowball fight. They were having fun and didn’t notice the time until they saw their teacher already arriving and they were on the other side of the river. They decided to be clever economists and shorten their journey 7 km by crossing the damaged bridge. It might have worked if they had crossed one boy at a time, but all six tried to cross at once. The bridge, only about two feet wide, started sagging, then creaked, then the boys were all in the icy water. The river was about three feet deep but the older boys grabbed the younger ones by their jackets and got them to shore so they wouldn’t be swept away in the current. These empty-headed children got a bath!
Their wet pants froze solid. They wanted to hurry to school, but their pants were frozen to their legs and they walked like robots. One, two, three, four… leaning from side to side! 😂 Everyone came to school wet. 😳🫣🤦♀ They came in silently; afraid we were going to be angry. But we were just glad they were whole! 🥴👀🙏😓 The boys were shivering, but they thought it was funny that their pants stood up on their own.
We stoked the stove with firewood, dried the children and gave them new clothes to wear. Maxim lined the 6 up for exercises to warm them, and he said, “Walruses, tomorrow let’s go swimming in the river!” “No, no, no!” they said with chattering teeth. 😅😂

The neighbors have already offered to help build a new bridge because our children broke it 🤪
Maxim is so happy☃️ 🙃 It is difficult to make a bridge in winter. Maxim says the walruses will help build the bridge😅😅😅
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