Empowering local change-makers means we don’t tell our partners what projects they should be working on. We let them tell us. Our partners have different passions and skills, and the result has been a very diverse slate of projects. The projects must meet a few criteria to ensure they align with our values, but otherwise our partners are free to design their own projects.

Our criteria:

• serve the most vulnerable groups in the community

• empower participants and avoid dependency

• be cost effective and impactful

Estudia Con Amor

Education for child laborers helps them escape desperate poverty. Emotional health is also important, so we plan lots of fun activities so the children can experience the joys of childhood as well.

Semillas de Esperanza

Many students cannot attend traditional school due to poverty, distance, or danger. We work to give such students access to a quality education via distance learning. 

Heritage Trail

Many indigenous communities have failed to benefit from the growing tourism in Peru. Heritage Trail empowers these Quechua people with income-earning projects.


Job training & placement for marginalized women allows destitute women to pursue their dreams. They find love, family, and hope at Amal, as well as financial security for themselves and their children.


Serving orphans and displaced children is the core of this program. From daily essentials like food, to hope for the future with education, and healing from the past with dance, COREDA cares for the most vulnerable.

Ramat Initiative

Protecting girls from forced child marriage and other abuse is accomplished through educational support and clubs where children learn practical skills and debate harmful cultural practices. 


REWOCAM wants to create a world where violence against women and children is no longer accepted. Through workshops and pilot projects, they are empowering women and girls throughout Cameroon.

Golden Hope Initiative

Child marriage is a tough issue to tackle when it is steeped in traditional culture, but keeping girls in school as long as possible is proving to be a successful strategy that retains support from the local culture.

Growing Our Way Home

By partnering with local heroes, we are bringing aid to central Ukraine. Our partners are caring for the displaced, particularly orphans and widows, and helping them regain self-sufficiency through agriculture and education. 

JONG Trust

Low-caste villagers determine the issues they want addressed, and we respond: educational support to keep children in school, a maternal health program to stem maternal and infant deaths, and support for orphans.

Heart of Himalaya

In a cold and unforgiving land at the western fringe of the Himalaya, we are helping mountain communities gain access to education and healthcare while protecting the traditional culture that has made them strong.

Three Summits

One school at a time, mountain communities are improving access to education. And each year, high altitude guide training is offered to young women to help them break into a male-dominated field.